current status: everyone is at base camp!:) we have chionged through the night. i have broken my own record. i bet most of us have. 4hrs slp in 2 nights. woah. hahaa...
but we're all happy jacelyn is here!:)
we thank class 95 and green tea to pull us through the night. hmms. =)

its 7am in the morning and we 3 girls are still awake working. say waaah...hahaa

even the sun has rised!


miisty. miisty. miisty.

shippo! *ps. sorry, too sleepy, depth of feild all wrong...

shippo front view!

top view of shippo!

left to right: shippo, ele, booa, miisty
in toilet paper rolls.
And with that we are signing off.
Yours truly. miistyfied. the crazy auntie gang?

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