Weehooo!:) our little girl is growing up! She is evolving from one stage to another....lets see the different Miisty our lovely artistes have conjured up for us...applauses to Mabel and Julia for the sketches...:) domo arigatou!
im missing of a few pics of when miisty was first born...shall go find them from the creators...So in the next *few?* pictures you will catch Miisty and the works of miisty ongoing...

sorry...i can't make out if this is julia or mabel..
hard at work!
but during all photo session with the brush about 1/4 of them was posed.
*the evil photographer made them hold their brush to get a decent picture* 

after drawing, the girls said this picture looked like jit min...and so coincidentally, he walked past...-_-'' attempt to look like Miisty turned out to look like a guy.....whoops!

she liked the face but hated the colour.gotta agree there. but
it must the colour pencil's fault, but anyhow it looks better than my drawing anytime.

mabel drew this. looked kinda
arty farty artistic . seriously. i think it is nice. :) special in a sense. i think of the word realism. hmm...wonder why? must be too much of eddy's class?

I actually think this is super cute and of a different style. nice nice..:) i remembered telling them to use this kind of colouring cux i liked it so much. ok. i can't draw, but i can give good suggestions. =D
i think. any way we choose this sort of colouring style for the 'real' world. it brings out a certain kind of flavour.

what happen to one of the hand? 0.o? malnutrition. showing if miisty went on a diet, she would be just left with bones.

i think i got mabel to pose this one for me. miisty's looking good! outlining with paint is a interesting a good idea! mabel was grasping the way to colour Miisty's hair without making it look like a bad hair day.

the Miisty on the left looked very ' avril lavigne' and a tad too grown up, thus we didn't use this colour scheme and clothings.

yea yea. this was the style of colouring which i liked and insisted on keeping...:p it was reallly nice...
Miisty was still having bad hair days then.

this was the finished product of that day. :)

from there, it grew.
Notice the hats we were intending on choosing for Miisty.
Inspiration from apple, pear, durian, clown,beanie...etc....
We wanted to add meaning to why Miisty was wearing the things she was and why that would stand out and be special.

deciding on whether to crop Miisty hair a little more...

another style of Miisty...:)

then mabel became inspired and came up with another version of Miisty. it was very cute, but we decided agaisnt it because, we were looking for something which didn't look so cartoony..but it was cutee!

this is nice. :)

this are two extreme versions of Miisty. One with alot of baby fat, another which is stick thin. we were thinking, since she was abandon since young, she can't be that fat, and then again, alot of kids at that age has baby fats.

I also liked this...very nice...:))) quite a few thought it looked like Dora the explorer...I think it looks much better than Dora though...Xp esp. the different expresions, wow! this is a short stubby and cute version of miisty, but we intended on something less cartoon like...but i still think i like this outside the project...its so cute!

Miisty in the morning when she just wakes up, having a toothache and sleeping. Different things Miisty can do. This is roughly how miisty has turned to and will be...roughly...thin with some baby fats.

Here is roughly the finalised version of Miisty and her different expressions...:)
Her artist feel, with the cool apple artist hat and the paint brush and book...nice. :)
Thank you Mabel, Thank You Jacelyn, Thank You Julia, Thank You Rachel, Thank You Ee Shaun.
Thanks for all the hard work, it will not go to vain, Gambatte!!! Lets gogogo! weeee!
jia you jia you!jiayou!
And that is all for the pics aplenty of miisty's evolvement...:) more to come up soon..